The Culture and Sports Program for the year 2025 was prepared by the Region of Crete.
Specifically, the program, with a total budget of 2,140,000 euros, is composed of the organization of cultural and sports events of a supra-local and local nature, such as the 5th Festival of Crete, research in collaboration with educational institutions and cultural organizations, participation in exhibitions, as well as information and awareness-raising actions for publications 2024-2027, through material in printed and electronic form.
As for the 5th Crete Festival, it is implemented within the archaeological sites and monuments and aims to support contemporary cultural creation while simultaneously highlighting archaeological sites, in the context of the effort to appropriate archaeological remains and integrate them into the everyday lives of citizens and visitors.
The Festival, cultivating continuity and investing in timelessness, will include a wide range of arts and artists within and outside Crete, institutionalized annual events, and part of the new proposals submitted to the Region of Crete, contributing to the formation of the cultural identity of the island. The axes on which the Festival will move are, among others, the connection between the history of each monument and the archaeological site of Crete where the Festival will be held with modern creation and the promotion of both the cultural heritage of Crete and modern artistic approaches.
At the same time, given that Culture cultivates and strengthens feelings of identity, collectivity, creativity, and optimism, which are a necessary condition for improving the business environment and boosting the development process in a cohesive, inclusive society, the program foresees the conduct of research that could provide useful information, e.g. on the cultural reserve of Crete, intangible and tangible, underwater, etc., on its management capabilities, methods of preservation and infrastructure.
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